Reforming the entitled victim

Victim mentality

Stuck in a disempowering victim mindset? Feel like people are working against you or not giving you the support you want? Or dealing with someone like this?

This remarkably wise advice from Shrink Wrap guest writer Tana Saler could be exactly what you need.

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Lies and Perception

Settled into a comfy chair in a hotel room in the 1990s, at a time when online forums were new, I was counselling my troubled and pacing friend. He was very upset by some things that had been said about him online.

He was in the public eye just enough to garner gossipy interest from fans and hangers on. They chatted and gossiped as if he were out of earshot, with comments ranging from the flattering, to invasive and disrespectful, to exaggerations and outrageous falsehoods. Read more…

Is your boss a corporate psychopath?

Does this remind you of anyone? Superficially charming, even warm. Extreme intimidation of others. Manipulative and controlling. Bad tempered. Self-obsessed. Lacking remorse.

Then you may be working with a corporate psychopath. Contrary to popular understanding, psychopathology is not always about murderousness. It’s defined broadly as …

And there’s a surprising amount of it about. One woman in 200 is classifiable as a psychopath, as is one man in 80. Chances are, you have a psychopath in your building. Read more…