A little more about me
I was born and raised in the UK. But I’m OK now.
My dad had Asperger’s and my mother was an East German escapee. Mine was a difficult upbringing, but easier than theirs…
A psychologist’s take on world events, life, happiness and the human condition
Psychometrics is the science (and art) of measuring human traits and skills accurately. A simple example is the IQ test (Intelligence Quotient test).
Psychometric tests are used in the corporate world as a part of recruitment processes, to help to get to know job applicants in a more objective, systematic way than is possible with interviews and resumes. They are also used in psychiatry to help to understand and quantify patients’ symptoms, and in education to establish learning levels.
The correct use of psychometric test design principles is important for ensuring that test results are accurate, stable and meaningful.
Articles on Shrink Wrap that mention psychometrics are listed below. Or, if you need psychometric services, hop on over to the Insight Matters’ psychometrics page.
I was born and raised in the UK. But I’m OK now.
My dad had Asperger’s and my mother was an East German escapee. Mine was a difficult upbringing, but easier than theirs…
I was on the radio today, discussing the citizenship test with presenter Thomas Oriti. Does it really predict anything about a person’s values? Is it useful?
We also talked about the use of psychometrics in the business world, and how that kind of testing differs.
If the US presidency were a regular job, Psychologists would draw up selection criteria and candidates would be screened for stability and competence.
How might the world look if more leaders were earnest public servants instead of unstable egoists and sociopaths?